(Sung to the tune of Downstairs by Emma Miller)
I don’t want to go downstairs Cause there’s a SCOBY at the bottom And I don’t want fill that jar Because I’m scared of how it’s growing I’m scared of how it’s growing And it goes out after dark Replicating And I’ve wasted all this tea And I canna even drink it I don’t want to go downstairs Cause there’s a SCOBY at the bottom And I don’t want fill that jar Because I’m scared of how it’s growing Yes I’m scared of it growing I found that I could fight it When my neighbors called and came over I found that I could be strong When the moths came closer and closer I don’t want to go downstairs Cause that SCOBY can’t be forgotten And I don’t want fill that jar Because I’m scared the tea will get rotten I’m scared of this batch I don’t want to go downstairs Downstairs Go downstairs